
Postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva (JDC2022-050021-I). She holds a doctorate from the University of Granada, the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and the University of Jaén, specializing in Migration Studies. She graduated in Sociology from the University of Granada, where she also completed a Master’s Degree in Studies and Intervention in Immigration, Development and Vulnerable Groups. She has also been a professor in the area of Sociology at the University of Almería. Her lines of research are framed in the field of knowledge of Migrations, specifically in the social, cultural and gender analysis of migrations, in the analysis of Public Policies from a socio-anthropological perspective, in the processes of construction of difference and in racism and digital spaces. Some notable publications are Islam and public space: an ethnographic-virtual approach to the celebration of the breaking of the fast (Iftar) in Granada (2018) in the journal Anthropological Horizons or Elective affinities between racism and immigrant integration policies: a dialogue between two studies carried out across the European Union and Spain (2020) in the magazine Identities.
Research lines:
- Social, cultural and gender analysis of migrations
- Public politics
- Processes of construction of difference
- Racism
- Digital spaces
Research projects:
- Transitional characters in entertainment-education narratives designed to reduce prejudice against immigrants: Attributes, boundary conditions and explanatory mechanisms (TRANCHAR)
- Political agencies, interculturalisms and (anti)racisms in Andalusia (APIARA) (ref: B-SEJ-440-UGR20)
- Young people, virtual social networks and new logics of racism: virtual ethnography, representations and discourses of otherness and identity (CRS-2017)
- Multilevel Governance of Cultural Diversity in a Comparative Perspective: EU-Latin America (GOVDIV) (Marie Curie, 7th Framework Programme, European Commission, ref: 612617)