(For more information, click on the title)
Ongoing projects:
Transitional characters in entertainment-education narratives designed to reduce prejudice against immigrants: Attributes, boundary conditions and explanatory mechanisms
Assessing the production and impact of migration narratives (BRIDGES)
Countering Online INtolerance against especially vulnerable groups. Large-scale monitoring and narrative combat of online hatred in Spain (COIN)
Citizens exposed to dissimilar views in the media: investigating backfire effects
Journalism and its relationship with audiences: Comparative study of the gap between expectations about the profession, evaluations of the role of the media and the news practices in Chile
What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication
Evaluating Campaigns against Hate (ECO)
Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective (HumMingBird)
Mapas de la Investigación en Comunicación en las universidades españolas de 2007 a 2018 (MapCom2018)
LGBTI+ representation in the Spanish serial fiction and effectiveness in the reduction of prejudices for sexual orientation and gender identity
The triangle of polarization, political trust and political competence: understanding their dynamics in contemporary democracies
Completed projects:
– Social Perception of Artificial Intelligence (IA-Spain)
– Understanding Artificial Intelligence from the perspective of citizens (IA-Ciudadana)
– Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants (PHARM)
– Development and evaluation of a text annotation and coding platform in Spanish (TAGGER)
– Development and evaluation of a prototype for automatic detection of fake news (FakeDetector)
– Narrative tools to reduce prejudice. Effects of similarity, imagined contact, empathy and narrative voice
– “If you want, you can quit.” Narrative tools for smoking prevention in adults. Effects of similarity with the audience and narrative voice
– Research, health-care networks and empowerment: social and scientific responses to rare diseases in the Iberian Peninsula (1940-2015)
– Narrative persuasion and media intergroup contact with the Venezuelan migrant population in Arequipa
– Use of data journalism and narrative persuasion to improve the knowledge and public understanding of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (DataScienceSpain2)
– Perceptions and Expectations of the Science field actors: where is Science in Spain headed? (Conversas)
– Data Science in Spain: knowledge and public perception of big data and artificial intelligence
– Development and Evaluation of a hate speech detector online in Spanish (STOP-HATE)
– Functional neuroimaging equipment for the analysis of social interaction
– Real time classifier of political opiniones in Spanish with machine learning techniques (AUTOCOP-ES)
– Reception processes and socio-cognitive effects in films on immigration: The moderating role of prejudice towards immigrants
– Unlikely connections: a cultural innovation project
– Development and Implementation of NTICs and Strategies to Enhance the Processes on the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge and Visibility Results on Science & Technology at the Universidad del Norte on the Research System Web and on the Production of Scientific Cafés
– e-Research on Social Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean
– Participation and Social Relations by Online Twitter Opinion Leaders in Latin America and the Middle East
– Analysis of the image of immigration in prime-time television fiction
– Proposal for the Creation of the Observatorio Venezolano de Industrias de Contenido (Venezuelan Observatory for Content Industries)
– Inner Communications and Culture in the Venezuelan Press
– Self-Presentation in Blogs and Social Networks
– e-Government in Venezuela: Balance and Perspectives
– Communicative Production of Identity in Virtual Environments
– Us and Them. A Critical Approach to the Discursive Construction of “The Other” in Hugo Chávez’s Rhetoric
– Socio-cognitive effects of news framing on immigration: The moderating role of the immigrant population density
– Analysis and socio-cognitive effects of news framing on immigration in the regional press of Castilla y León
– Analysis and socio-cognitive effects of news framing on immigration in the Media
– Situations and expositions of migrant women. Analysis of the perception and health conditions of Asian women in Spain
– Political culture in the metropolitan area of Monterrey. Formation and developmental patterns of the citizens’ political attitudes
– Political culture in the post-election situation: Influence of the 2012 Presidential and Local elections on the citizens of Nuevo León
– Effects of communicative practices on attitudes toward politics on High School students
– Effects of Media representation of indigenous peoples on the perception of youths
– Analysis of the impact of communicative practices on attitudes toward politics on Upper High School in the Monterrey metropolitan area
– Analysis of the socio-cognitive effects of the processing of minority groups in online news content: Crosscultural study in Spain and Mexico
– Dynamics of education and scientific renovation in the Bachillerato schools (1900-1936): an Iberian perspective
– Researching System on Social Practices on Communication: Project Maps, Projects, Groups, Lines, Study Objects, and Methods
– Rare diseases and patient empowerment: The case of post-polio syndrome and the end of poliomelitis in Castilla y León
– Media competence in university teachers and students in Cuenca (Ecuador). (National project together with other Ecuador universities
– Online Game for Civic Engagement of EU young adults (ENGAME)
– (In)Forming Conflict Prevention, Response and Resolution: INFOCORE. The Role of Media in Violent Conflict
– Cost Action IS1004 Webdatanet. Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health Web-based data-collection. Methodological challenges, solutions and implementations (WEBDATANET)
– Intercultural Mentoring tools to support migrant integration at school
– Media literacy: Design, execution, and evaluation of an intervention program with teenagers
– Analysis of the audio-visual consumption and its role in the construction of reality and imaginary: design of a system of indicators
– The semantics of contemporary identity: Study on the configuration of personal identity through self-description. Narration and image
– Revealed, second season: Edu-Entertainment Strategy with new content according to the priorities in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
– Institutional messages: A social responsibility
– Cybercampaign, cyberjournalism and cyberactivity in the electorate
– Discourses on foreignness in Andalusian Media: Discursive and visual construction of the new Andalusia
– Influence of the news coverage in the Press on the perception and image of Mexico in Spain
– Indigenous peoples and middle high education institutions in Nuevo León: Public policies to ensure access and permanence
– Platform for research and development: Visual arts and setting in the Digital Era
– Skills and strategies for visual alphabetization in crosscultural environments
– Cyberdemocracy in the 2008 General election campaign in Spain. Citizen use of new technologies for electoral perception, deliberation and mobilization
– National Monitoring Network on Media (Media and Democracy in Venezuela)
– Demos: Curricular redesign and development of an internet portal to adapt university teaching to the European Higher Education Area
– Culture, society and television in Spain (1956-2006)
– Image database and audio archive for digital retrieval of the photographic estate at the University of Salamanca
– V Communication conferences: Media, immigration and society. Challenges and proposals for the 21st century
– Socio-cognitive effects of news frames of immigration in the media
– Analysis of news frames used for immigration information in Spanish press